viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

A little lion

I watched on TV once a story about a little lion that lived in Africa with his parents. He was a mischievous and playful lion, he didn't want to hunt animals, he only wanted to play and dance. His dad wanted desperately that the lion knew how to hunt. 
One day, the little lion, in a lesson of his father, was set on something moving in the tall grass and he started to follow it until the limits of the reserve where traffickers of exotic animals captured him. They put him on a pickup truck and the dad started to follow them behind, regrettably he couldn’t reach them. 
Luckly, on the way there was a bump and the box where the little lion was, fell out from the truck towards a river that summons on the sea, after days this box arrived in new York where the persons found him and take him to the zoo where he met other animals that turn into his friends. 
When they grew up, they run out from the zoo and they traveled to Africa where this little lion, now a big one, was reunited with his parents after all this years. They were so happy that they celebrate with a party in the savannah!

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

An amazing animal!!!

How can it be possible that an animal has a duck bill, otter feet and body and a beavertail at the same time?! The platypus can! This mammal lives principally in the east of Australia.
I think that this animal is amazing and fascinating! It is a mixture of animals: ducks, otter and beavers. They are mammals but they can put eggs instead of live young and the males are poisonous in their back feet, this feature is unusual in the mammals because it doesn’t exist in the other species of this class (mammals). The females don’t have nipples to feed the newborns, but they have a kind of grooves in the abdominal area where the milk gets out. They have less olfactory receptors than the rest of the mammals, but they can smell under water.
In general this animal is nocturne, but a lot of times he is seen during the cloudy days, they used to live in rivers and riparian zones where is food to eat and sand to rest and nest, also they are carnivorous and eat insect larvae, prawns of sweet water and river crabs.
The mouth of this animal is below of the beak, unlike birds, and at the peak are the nostrils. When this animal born, they came with teeth, but they lost them when the animal leaves the den. The adults have a kind of cartilaginous plates that grind the food.
I think that this animal is wonderful, they have a lot of particular characteristics that the rest of mammals doesn't have, I think that they are really cute and beautiful, I would like to have one in my house!! hahahaha

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

The Upcoming Summer

If I make some plans for the summer? The answer is yes! My family and I are hoping go to the same place of all years: go camping in the south of Chile. That place is wonderful and we can go anywhere from there, I hope that we can go to Chiloe again or to Bariloche some days. Maybe we won’t go to other places, but I don’t care, if I stay there it would be so nice.
My parents and I will go camping, friends of the family said that they will go too. The group is made up of approximately 20 persons. We are a very big group.
My dad, last year, bought a kayak and the year before a boat, so I will go kayaking to the lake of the camp and I will go fishing with my dad in the evening some days. I will spend some time with my friends of there in the night and during the day I will be with my family. Before lunch, we are going to play volleyball on the field of the place, we do groups and compete for who will wash the dishes (and this are a lot of dishes).
On my return, maybe I will go with my university friends to the beach or to the country with my school friends, or I will do both trips if I can.
There is a possibility that I will go in January to community work for the university during a couple of weeks. This will help me in the university the next year.

So that is what I hope to do in my summer holidays and I can’t wait to do these trips and have fun with my family and friends! 

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

A photograph I like

I don't know who took this photo, maybe was my mom, but in it appears my dad and I, probably it was taken in 1996 or 1997 when I was 4 years old. The van behind was the first car that my dad bought, it was a Ford Aerostar, it is one of my favourite cars that we've had because it was so big and comfortable. We had this van during many years, 7 years, It arrive at home when my middle sister was born. During the next years, each one appropiated of one seat, once, my sister wanted to sit in mine, and I was angry so I decided to put my name in the back of it, and my sister delated with my dad, he got mad and he punished to me. Now, we always remember this and laugh a lot, the things that I do when I was a little girl. 

Another thing that I like about this photo, is that my dad appears in it, he is one of my favourite person in the world. We did a lot of journeys in this van, maybe we don't have it now, but I keep a lot of amazing memories and moments that we did in it. 

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

A skill I admire

The ability that I admire is acting, I envy the people who can act well, they are fortunate to have this skill. I am not good in it, the people can know that what I do or talk is not true. I get nervous, my face turn in red, my hands trumble, I have cold sweat and I stutter a lot.
When I have to act, I can do, but I didn’t do well.Have this ability in the daily life can give a range of possibilities, you can lie, maybe you can do a joke to a friend and you can be part of a company of theater for example. This ability maybe can help me when I have to expose at the university or maybe when I have to talk in front of a lot of people, I really have problems with this.I hope that someday I can develop this skill, I didn’t expect be an actress, but have this ability would makes me very happy. 

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

My Dream Job

My Dream Job is what I study, Dentistry, It’s a major that full my heart of happiness and excitement, this career implies a lot of manual skills, that fortunately I have, and a lot of study too, I will have to research always about new knowledges that all the days appears in the internet. Probably I will work in a box in a clinic, but it doesn’t matter because I would do what I love. The bonus of work like a dentist is that I will have a “high” pay, so I could travel and buy things that I want.

But if I choose another dream job, It would be a photographer of the national geography magazine. I would travel a lot around the world, the directors say to me "Samanta, go to Africa to photograph lions" and I would love to go there. I know that probably this job could carry dangers and time away from my family and friends, but I could learn about of a lot of cultures and know a lot of places, that if I would be a dentist I couldn’t meet. Most of the time I’ll be outdoor in the nature seeing animals and beautiful landscapes, I would enjoy being outside, breathing fresh air, seeing new animals and meeting new people.

Maybe this jobs are different, but I would love if I can do both, work as a dentist and travel around the world. 

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2015

My friends

My friends are the persons that I choose to be part of my family. They are from different places or from diferents moments of my life, but all have one thing in common: they are important to me. 
Through all my life I have known a lot of people, that for differents reasons they are important in my life. They help me to have good days, they cheered me when I need and they love me for who I am.
There are some persons that I have to mention, the first is one of my best friends. She is my friend since I was a little girl because she is the daughter of the best friend of my mom, so we have lived a lot of experiences, she is like my mom sometimes and my sister the most of the time, maybe we don´t talk all the days, but I know that she is there when I need someone to talk. I also have to mention my friends from the high school, I knew them in 2007 and we´re still be friends, we get together almost all the weekends and most of the time I have a really good time, they are funny and very nice, I am very happy to be her friend. The last one that I have to mention are my friends of the university, the mayority of them I knew in bachillerato, among them are my other best friend, she is different from me in many aspects, but she is so important daily, I talk all the days with her and she knows how to lifts my spirits when I am sad. 
So, They are so differents from me but I love them so much, I know that someday we will take differents ways, but I hope have them in my life to see them grow and turn into wonderful persons.  

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

My favorite technology

My favorite technology is the Ipad, because is like a computer but smaller. It's my favorite because it is practical and very useful, I can carry it to a lot of places with no problem because it is not very heavy. I use it to play games, to watch movies or series on Netflix and most important, I use it to read books or documents for the university, this is the reason why I bought it. 

My experience with it has been very enriching and entertaining, the Ipad help me in moments when I was boring or when all I wanted to do is lay in my bed watching a movie or just listen to music. 

I think that bought it is one of the most intelligents thing that I ever done, my dad gave it to me last year and then, at christmas, he gave one to my sister. She uses it to watch series most of the time (and it means a lot of time hahaha)

Most of the people don't replace the laptop for anything in the world but I think that the Ipad is better, in fact, I only use the computer for print documents that I have to read and for nothing else!

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Post two: My favourite holidays

I usually go all the years to the same place since when I was a little girl. I go to camping with my family to the south of Chile, specifically near of Osorno, in the Puyehue lake at a campground name "Los Copihues".

Probabably this holiday is the best that I can imagine, I go every february during three weeks approximately with my parents and sisters. This year was very special because during a few days some friends of the university arrive at the place and we have a good time, also some friends of the family went and we enjoy a lot.

The day start with a delicious breakfast (hot milk, tea, homemade bread with butter or marmalade and a luscious kuchen), then we go to a field to play volleyball and usually we spent all the morning in that. After, some people make the lunch and the others go to the beach to take a rest in the sand or to swim in the lake. We lunch and I go with my friends to play again in the field. During the night, we eat roast and watch movies and then I go with my friends of the place to the "quincho" and talk, eat and drink.

I really enjoy go this place, because all the days are different, the weather is wonderful (during the summer I can have rainy days and sunny days), I have a lot of comforts (private bathroom, volleyball field, soccer field and kayaks) and for last, the company are the best. I hope that you can go some day, I assure that you can have a great time!

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Blog Session 8 >> My evaluation of my Blogging Experience

Do this blog allows me to tell things of my life to others and to practice my writing skills. I think that is a good way to develop this skills but it take a lot of time, in my understanding, somedays do it was boring but other days was entertained, it depend of the theme of that day. 
I especially like the day that I had to write about a special photograph because I had to look between photos of my past and choose one, a lot of memories came to me in that moment. 

I feel that make this blogs helps me to remember things that I forgot, things of grammar and orthography learn in the school in a couple of years back, also help me to add new words in my vocabulary. 

In the future I would like to write about free themes, not to write about specific things, this way this activity could be more entertained and not too compulsory. Maybe We could write about our friends, hobbies, places that we know, things that we learn or do in the schools, our family, between others. I know that we have to write with specific therms or contents, but maybe this requirements can be applied to the themes that I would like to write about. I hope you take into account the next time.

Blog Session 7 >> Talk about your dreams

What I really like to do with my life was study dentistry. Now I am realize this dream, so my dream now is help the people with what I am learning today. Maybe in the future, I will organize comunitary jobs to help the neediest of the society or even I could travel across the country helping the people and improve their oral health. 

Why I want to do this?
Because I think that I have a compromise with the people and I think that realize this will make me happy and helpful. Help people revitalize the soul and full it with good vibes. 

If I can achieve this dreams my life will be happier so I will look the life with another eyes, I'll have beautiful experiences that I can share with others and inspire them to do the same things. 
I hope that someday I can do this things, because in a near time probably I wouldn't have enough time, money or experience to realize this, so I have to improve my experiences and maybe I could find more people that want to do the same things as me. 

Other things that I really like to do are travel around the world, meet new places and acquire new visions of culture. Do this can make my perspective change and extend it, this will help me to have new experiences and to undertand other kind of people that I am not used to know. 

I really hope that someday I could make this things came true!

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Blog Session 6 >> An expert on your field

A person that I admire a lot is the Dr. Rodolfo Miralles, he makes me class of General Fisiology and the next semester of Oral Fisiology. 
He studied in the same university as me, the University of Chile, and he graduated in 1975. In 1971, when he was in second year, he postulated to be an assistant student and he continued to do this until his graduation, so he went out of university with a job in the laboratory. 
Through the time, this dentist became in an important teacher at the university and a connotated fisiologist considered in a lot of nationals and international publications. 
He makes class of fisiology in a lot of other faculties in the same university: fonoaudiology, kinesiology, nursing, obstetrics and medicine. Also, makes class in other universities. 
For his labor as a professor, he was reward in 2009 like the best teacher in all the university.
I am glad to have classes with him, It's a pleasure listen to him because I noticed how much he loves do his job and how he ensures of deliver his knowledge in an entertainig and an understandable way. 
For all of that I admire him and impels me to learn about fisiology, to love to teach to others our knowledge and to continue to learn, even when I graduate from the university.  

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

Blog Session 5 >> My favorite photograph

This photo was taken by my friend Valentina (the girl below) who was arrive the same day from EEUU, she was there since december of last year because she went there to make  a semester in the University of California. The photo was taken in June 21 of 2015 in her house. Also this same day, the Chilean National Football Team played the America's Cup against Bolivia.  

This image shows a part of my group of friends. We start to be friends in 2008, from then, all the years more persons was joined to our group, so now we are a group of approximetly 12-15 persons, who get together two or more times monthly. My friends are important to me because they was there in the last 7 years and I hope that it last a lot of years more, I have seen them grow like persons, chose their career and how they start to take differents course and decisions in their lifes. I'm very glad to be her friend and proud of the persons they are. 

This photo is one of the lot of photographs that we have taken in all this years, I like this one because I remember that moment because that day was full of laughs and hugs like all the times that we met. 

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Blog session 4 >> Bad habits and dental health


The sugar it's probably the most harmful component of the food for our dental health, most of the time the abusive consumption are acompannied of bad habits of feeding, sedentary lifestyle, incontrolled fat intake that, between other factor, causes an imbalance in our oral health. 

The sugar is one of the principal causative of caries (injuries), anoter are the tooth structure, the bacteriums of the oral flora and the context in wich the person is insert (the socioeconomic level, the educational level, the bad habits, between others). Caries can affect to the teeth and the gum. In the teeth, first start like a white stain and then it turns into a cavity that entails a lot of problems on the tooth like pulp damage, desmineralization of the enamel and dentin, etc. Also can provoke periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) that affects to the gum, because  the microorganisms and his waste (from sugar metabolism) may be positioned between the tooth and the gum and trigger this disease before mentioned, and can provoke the loss of the tooth. 

This problems can repair mainly with the help of a dentist, who advise in what the person should eat during the day or what oral habits can acquire for improve this disease, and also realize some procedure to repair the damage to the tooth and the gum (restorations, placement of sealants on the occlusal surfaces of the tooth for prevent future caries, prophylaxis, periodontal treatment to remove tartar of the tooth surfaces, between others).

The recommendations that I can give are that You should brush your teeth a minimum of 2 times a day during 2 minutes for prevent the appearance of caries and periodontal diseases. This brush MUST BE with toothpaste with a minimum of 1100 ppm of fluoride (less of that quantity is useless). It is presently believed that if you have a good care of your oral health, doesn't matter if you eat a lot of sugar in your feeding, but this doesn't mean that you can eat all the sugar you want, always avoid the sugar consumption because this can carry on other sistemic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

I have to confess that I like the sugar, despite I study dentistry, regrettably in the actual society the markets have a lot of products that have suggar on his components, the sugar is very addictive and is very hard don't consume if is present in all the places that I go. I propose to myself try to avoid eat sugar in all my food, first I stop putting sugar in tea and then I stop to drink beverages that bring bulk of this dangerous food that carry a lot of problems to my health. I hope continued do this and more things to improve my health.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Blog session 2 >> Expectation for a new semester

I am taken 5 subjects this semester:
1. Promotion and education in health I
2. Psychosocial and anthropology basis of health
3. Simulation for the professional practice I
4. Evidence based dentistry
5. Scientific and clinical basis for diagnosis in dentistry I

Simulation and diagnostic are the subjects hardest this semester, I have to study a lot but I like so much because are subjetcs so comprehensives and interesting in what I study that I hope I can approve them. Besides, they have a practice part where I work with activities that I will do when I apply in the future on my patients. In the others subject I learn about cientific basis, how can I do a investigation or a tesis (Evidence), also learn about public health, the health's problems that exist on our society in this times and how they have developed during the wears and decades and what can we do for improve this (promotion). And for last, we learn about the social role that we play like odontologist and the way that we have to treat our patient, using empathy and friendliness to forge a strong relation odontologist-patients. 

My extracurriculars are two: Society, culture and recreation and English 3. In this case, this subject can help us to develop our ways to communicate with persons of other countries (English 3) and develop skill in cultive of plants and relation between, like example, politics and comedy movies. 

Also I make volleyball the monday and thursday with the selection of the faculty and Zumba the wednesday in the gym with a lot of partners. 

Of this semester I hope approve all (of course) and learn a lot (and don't forget what i learn) and also I hope put in practice the knowledge in my future work like a dentist. 

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Blog Session 1 >> My Autobiography


My name is Samanta Cecilia Cerpa Rojas  and i was born on october 5, 1993 in Santiago of Chile. I am 21 years old and I live with my parents and 2 sisters, my dad's name is Hugo, my mom Cecilia and my sisters are Alison and Emilia. I have another sister but she doesn't live with me, her name is Estefania and she study the same as me, Odontology. 

I have studied in 3 schools during my childhood, the first was "Colegio de la Providencia C.L.I", then in ninth grade I studied in "Liceo San Pedro Poveda" until eleven grade when  i changed to "Colegio Poeta Ruben Dario", all this schools are in Maipu. Then in 2012, I got into Universidad de Chile to study "Bachillerato", but the next year I got into this program again. Those 2 years was very hard and full of study to transfer to the career "Odontologia" in the same University, so here i am, study in second year of the career that I love. 

During my week I have to study a lot, but I try to give time to do other things like zumba or Volleyball. In the weekends, I try to go out the most I can, like spent time with my family on sundays (go to the cinema, go to eat somewhere, cook in our house, among other things) and get together with my school's friends in different house all the weekends, also go out with my university's friends to eat, to partys or to do whatever we want. 

Wait for the next post, see ya!