viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Blog session 4 >> Bad habits and dental health


The sugar it's probably the most harmful component of the food for our dental health, most of the time the abusive consumption are acompannied of bad habits of feeding, sedentary lifestyle, incontrolled fat intake that, between other factor, causes an imbalance in our oral health. 

The sugar is one of the principal causative of caries (injuries), anoter are the tooth structure, the bacteriums of the oral flora and the context in wich the person is insert (the socioeconomic level, the educational level, the bad habits, between others). Caries can affect to the teeth and the gum. In the teeth, first start like a white stain and then it turns into a cavity that entails a lot of problems on the tooth like pulp damage, desmineralization of the enamel and dentin, etc. Also can provoke periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) that affects to the gum, because  the microorganisms and his waste (from sugar metabolism) may be positioned between the tooth and the gum and trigger this disease before mentioned, and can provoke the loss of the tooth. 

This problems can repair mainly with the help of a dentist, who advise in what the person should eat during the day or what oral habits can acquire for improve this disease, and also realize some procedure to repair the damage to the tooth and the gum (restorations, placement of sealants on the occlusal surfaces of the tooth for prevent future caries, prophylaxis, periodontal treatment to remove tartar of the tooth surfaces, between others).

The recommendations that I can give are that You should brush your teeth a minimum of 2 times a day during 2 minutes for prevent the appearance of caries and periodontal diseases. This brush MUST BE with toothpaste with a minimum of 1100 ppm of fluoride (less of that quantity is useless). It is presently believed that if you have a good care of your oral health, doesn't matter if you eat a lot of sugar in your feeding, but this doesn't mean that you can eat all the sugar you want, always avoid the sugar consumption because this can carry on other sistemic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

I have to confess that I like the sugar, despite I study dentistry, regrettably in the actual society the markets have a lot of products that have suggar on his components, the sugar is very addictive and is very hard don't consume if is present in all the places that I go. I propose to myself try to avoid eat sugar in all my food, first I stop putting sugar in tea and then I stop to drink beverages that bring bulk of this dangerous food that carry a lot of problems to my health. I hope continued do this and more things to improve my health.